Nov 30, 2020
We're back live with the latest news from the Irreverent Warriors and breakdown/discussions of viral stories and videos from the military community.
Balanced Veterans is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to create a safe space for the education, empowerment, and advocacy of alternative therapies for...
Nov 26, 2020
It's time for our annual Silkies Hike Episode! We have some fantastic interviews to share from the Raleigh, Charlotte, and Philly Silkies Hikes. Special thanks to Jeremy Walton and Brandon Traister who helped out by submitting interviews.
If you would like to be a 21 Gun Correspondent and interview hikers next year,...
Nov 23, 2020
We're back live with the latest news from the Irreverent Warriors; Breakdowns of viral stories and videos from the military community. This week's guest - Babee Garcia from Military Veterans in Journalism. She is an award-winning communications professional and Marine. Military Veterans in Journalism is a...
Nov 16, 2020
We're back live with the latest news from the Irreverent Warriors; Breakdowns of viral stories and videos from the military community. Special Rucking 2 Remember follow-up with Keith Bridges.
Tonight's guest is: Patrick Benson is an Army Veteran, Horse Trainer and Co-founder and Director of War Horses for Veterans,...
Nov 9, 2020
We're back live with the latest news from the Irreverent Warriors; Breakdowns of viral stories and videos from the military community; Special interview with "Q" Wilkinson to discuss military spouse mental health and suicide awareness.
Visit for a list of all upcoming #Silkieshikes!